Member-only story

Keith Begg
8 min readMay 11, 2020


SWEDEN: A tale of how a government, a scientist, and a health authority gaslighted the world to hide the truth behind a disastrous COVID-19 strategy

OPINION MAY 03 — On a balmy day in the City of Angels, an Op-ed was published in The Los Angeles Times written by none other than the Swedish Ambassador to the USA, Karina Ulrika Olofsdotter.

With a title that could be easily interpreted that 100 plus countries were wrong to protect their citizens by going into lockdown “Sweden refused to impose a coronavirus lockdown. The country’s ambassador explains why”, the average person cooped up in a tiny apartment might also well ask, Well, if Sweden is doing it, why can’t our government follow suit?

Olofsdotter in her capacity as Ambassador is clearly aware of her American audience as she starts off with a reference to Sweden’s strong welfare model and public healthcare for all, as clever clickbait to highlight the well-known inequalities in the USA.

“Sweden shares the same goals as all other countries,” which is to reduce “the scale and speed of the virus’ spread” she proudly opines. But for many sceptical expats living in Sweden, having witnessed daily the catastrophe unfolding before our eyes her words offer little comfort.

Anders Tegnell Sweden’s State Epidemiologist predictions for achieving herd immunity have been greatly overstated. With one of the lowest testing and tracing rates in the OECD he still opines that Stockholm will achieve herd-immunity in June having previously stated May.

The simple truth of the matter is that Sweden has one of the lowest testing, tracing, and quarantine rates in the OECD. Put into relatable figures…



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